We just launched Wyden Infinity



Banking-grade 24/7 digital asset accounting.

A dedicated internal book of records.

Use Wyden Infinity as the accounting system for digital assets. Manage and reconcile a book of records showing all internal and external trades, transactions, positions and balances in Wyden’s double-entry general ledger across both omnibus and sub-ledger client wallets. Comprehensive financial tracking, compliance, and transparency built in.

The General Ledger for Digital Assets

Traditional core banking systems struggle with crypto assets due to 24/7 trading hours, the number of decimal digits and cadence of market data – Wyden Infinity solves this by offering a banking-grade real-time digital asset accounting.

Fully audited

Ensure all trades and transactions are in-line between internal portfolios, custody sub-ledger and omnibus wallets as well as external venue accounts.

Active balance tracking

Monitor total, available, settled, unsettled and reserved balances across millions of portfolios or accounts.

24/7 real-time reconciliation

Actively reconcile all trades, transactions, positions, and balances with core banking and custody systems at any time.

Automated ledger entries

Automatically record and categorize all internal and external transactions using immutable ledger entries, ensuring consistent financial records.

Sub-ledger and omnibus accounting

Track activity between sub-ledger accounts, internal omnibus wallets, as well as external counterparty accounts.

Reconciliation with core banking and custody systems

Let Wyden be the Internal Book of Records (IBOR) for digital assets. Post reconciled transactions to core banking and custody systems to keep all systems synchronized.

Back office operational management

Wyden’s user-friendly interface allows back-office teams to actively monitor, manage and report at any time.

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Wyden serves institutional and professional clients only.